Exploring the Latest Technological Advancements in Aircrew Flight Equipment

       Over the years aircrew flight equipment has gone through many advancements. As I served 30 years on active duty and have still been part of the AFE community the past 11 years I have seen the HGU-26/P helmet transition to the HGU-55/P helmet. Now the Next Generation Fixed Wing Helmet is knocking on the door as this helmet will be lighter and better as it will help reduce the neck and back injuries for the aircrew members. Over the past few years, the T-6 pilots suffered physiological episodes and with evolving technology the government reached out to industry for assistance to try to solve the issue. The advancement of technology has made flight equipment safer for the aircrew members and aided them to perform their duties during training and combat operations.

Next-Generation Flight Helmets (NGFWH)

For the past 40 years of being around the aviation community there has been minimum changes to the flyer’s helmet. Over the last 10 years USAF Senior Leadership and the USAF Safety Center discussions led the group to recognize the need for a new and improved flyer’s helmet for aircrew members. From their discussions the NGFWH will provide a stable fixed reference to the user’s eye through the full range of aircraft operations. When used with helmet mounted equipment, there will be no loss of symbology or imagery or loss of resolution of optical systems. The weight, center of gravity (CG), and principal moments of inertia (MOI) of the FWH (in all configurations) will decrease neck loads (compared to the helmet(s) it replaces) to the aircrew during high-G maneuvering, bailout,600 knots equivalent air speed (KEAS) ejection, parachute opening, ditching, and crash-landing scenarios.
Neck injuries associated with ejection and parachute opening often require extensive rehabilitation and can be fatal. Proper weight and balance of the system are critical to protection of the aircrew’s head and neck during bailout, ejection, ditching, and crash-landing. For impact protection the helmet will protect the aircrew member’s head from impacts associated with basic aircraft maneuvers, ejection, bailout, ditching, and crash landing better than the helmet it replaces. Safety and protection of the aircrew’s head during all expected flight, combat, and emergency conditions.

The head-up display (HUD), helmet-mounted display, and visor-projected night vision are fully integrated to provide pilots with unprecedented capability in the fighter cockpit. They can target their weapons and maintain advanced spatial orientation while continually monitoring critical flight information. I entered the Air Force in 1982 and I have seen many changes in how advanced technology has aided the pilots. For example, the F-35 has a helmet which comprises a head-up display (HUD), helmet-mounted display, and visor-projected night vision, but can also be used to target the weapons of the airplane. This system can show a 360-degree view of the F-35’s external environment because of a multitude of cameras fitted on the outside of the jet that activate once the pilot looks in that direction. Once this happens, it displays the image inside the helmet, effectively removing the plane from the pilot’s field of view and allowing humans to see in all directions.
The NGFWH will be capable of accepting 3-D audio cueing for radio communication and threat/targeting information. 3-D audio increases aircrew performance by presenting each radio channel in the appropriate spatial location.

Enhanced Breathing Systems

 The most common types of oxygen delivery systems are continuous flow, diluter demand and pressure demand. Continuous flow systems are considered wasteful, as the flow of oxygen is constant whether the individual is inhaling, exhaling, or pausing between breaths. On the other hand, diluter demand systems are viewed as more efficient because they are designed to provide oxygen only during inhalation therefore conserving oxygen. Pressure demand systems provide oxygen to the lungs under positive pressure allowing flight at altitudes greater than 40,000 feet, when mere breathing of oxygen is not sufficient.

     Around 2017, the military’s T-6 pilot community experienced an increased number of unexplained physiological incidents. The United States Air Force (USAF) and United States Navy (USN) worked together to try and determine the cause. A physiological episode can include cognitive impairment, numbness, tingling, lightheadedness, behavioral changes, and fatigue, which may be life threatening for a pilot. The USAF enlisted the help of Spotlight Labs, a veteran-owned small business founded by fighter pilots. The company developed the SPYDR hypoxia sensor as it can detect and warn pilots of impending hypoxia symptoms from both the human and aircraft perspective. The device also records the flight data for pilots and officials to analyze and improve in-flight methods.

     The USN used the VigilOX system, which measures the pilot’s oxygen concentration, breathing pressures, and flow rates. A spirometry test, measures how much air the pilot can breathe out by exhaling as forcefully and as long as they can. Capnography monitors the pressure of carbon dioxide. A separate device monitors the pilot’s pulse, oxygen saturation in their blood, breathing patterns, and blood hemoglobin. The tests are repeated post-flight to measure and compare breathing patterns to identify any changes. After months of study, the Air Force concluded that the physiological episodes were caused by rapidly fluctuating oxygen concentrations in the T-6.

     The one topic or area most aircrew members do not discuss much is preparing for wearing the dreaded “gas mask” during combat sorties. Then aircrew flight equipment personnel are charged with maintaining this equipment. The USAF introduced the new M69 gas mask for the aircrew members which is an upgrade from the old legacy Aircrew Eye Respiratory Protection (AERP). The M69 has several positive effects compared to the USAF’s legacy AERP, including reduced thermal burden, decreased bulk, increased field of view, increased field of regard, ease of use, and ease of maintenance. 

Smart Textiles and Advanced Materials.

The aircrews wear a lot of flight equipment during flight operations, and it causes the body to be extremely heated. The Air Force senior leaders understands this affects aircrew members while trying to perform the mission and thus the need to reduce thermal burden as much as possible. Perspiration evaporation is critical for heat dissipation in the human body. There is new technology called integrated cooling (i-Cool) fabric with a special functional structural design. i-Cool has improved evaporation ability and high sweat evaporation cooling efficiency by properly combining heat conduction routes and water distribution channels. Even though sweat evaporates on traditional fabrics, human flesh underneath is not adequately cooled because heat for vaporization is not efficiently taken from the skin due to inadequate heat transmission. A unique idea of integrated cooling (i-Cool) textiles of heat conduction and sweat transportation was developed to meet the human body sweating process. The efficient evacuation of heat from the skin improves the evaporative cooling sensation and efficiently lowers skin temperature, reducing dehydration in the human body.
As mentioned earlier, thermal burden is paramount in providing the aircrew member something that is lightweight and still provides protection against flames. Aircrew members have been wearing the Nomex flight suits for well over 50 years. Nomex’s protective properties lies in aramid fibers’ exceptional heat resistance. The fibers are crafted to form a strong, heat-resistant barrier, preventing the fabric from melting, or dripping when exposed to flames or intense heat. DuPont has stated that when the flight suit is exposed to a flame, the aramid fibers in Nomex undergo a chemical reaction that causes them to carbonize. This process creates a protective char layer that insulates the fabric from further heat penetration. The fabric remains intact, limiting the risk of burns and injuries to aircrew members.
There are different types of body armor used for ballistic protection and different materials. You have ceramic plates, special fibers/textile structures, laminated coated textiles, and composites depending on the parameters. Blunt impact protection could be imparted to armors by including shock-absorbing materials.
Soft-rigid composite textile systems for ballistics protection typically comprise ceramic armor plates. While I was assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) our aircrew members wore Level III and IV body armor plates. The one thing that we had to keep in mind was the weight of the plates in addition to all the other flight equipment. While the CV-22 unit was deployed to the middle east, an aircraft was fired upon and took gun fire from the underside. The AFSOC Commander order the Aircrew Flight Equipment Staff to acquire ballistic body armor plates for aircrew members to protect their private areas.
In conclusion, the evolution of aircrew flight equipment has been marked by significant advancements over the years. From the transition of helmets like the HGU-26/P to the HGU-55/P, and now the development of the Next-Generation Flight Helmet, it is evident that technology has played a pivotal role in enhancing the safety and performance of aircrew members. The NGFWH, with its reduced weight and improved balance, not only mitigates the risk of neck and back injuries but also integrates cutting-edge features like the head-up display (HUD), helmet-mounted display, and visor-projected night vision, providing unprecedented capabilities to pilots.
Enhanced breathing systems have become crucial in addressing physiological issues faced by aircrew members, with innovations such as the SPYDR hypoxia sensor and VigilOX system playing a vital role in monitoring oxygen levels and breathing patterns. These developments have significantly contributed to the well-being and safety of our aircrews, particularly in high-stress situations.
Moreover, the introduction of the M69 gas mask represents a substantial upgrade, offering improved functionality and ease of use compared to its predecessor. Aircrew members can now better prepare for combat scenarios, knowing they have advanced protective equipment at their disposal.
The integration of smart textiles and advanced materials has further revolutionized aircrew gear by addressing the issue of thermal burden. Innovations like integrated cooling (i-Cool) fabrics have enhanced heat dissipation and comfort for aircrew members, allowing them to focus on their mission without being hindered by excessive heat and dehydration. Additionally, the use of Nomex flight suits, known for their exceptional heat resistance, has provided essential protection against flames, ensuring the safety of aircrew members in the face of fire-related hazards.
In terms of ballistic protection, various materials and systems have been deployed to safeguard aircrew members. These include ceramic armor plates and soft-rigid composite textile systems, which have proven effective in providing protection against ballistic threats. The importance of lightweight body armor plates, as exemplified by the AFSOC’s response to a real-life threat, underscores the commitment to ensuring the safety of aircrew members in the most demanding operational environments.
In summary, the continual evolution of aircrew flight equipment is a testament to the dedication of military organizations and industry partners to enhance the safety, comfort, and effectiveness of our aircrew members. These advancements not only contribute to the overall readiness of our armed forces but also demonstrate a commitment to protecting those who serve in the most challenging and high-risk environments.

Martin Austin
TEDGAR Senior Consultant
United States Air Force, CMSgt (Retired)